Graeme Miller
Senior Research Specialist
Distributed Generation
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Graeme Miller is a Senior Research Specialist with the Energy Resources Center at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). At the ERC, Mr. Miller serves as the assistant director of the US Department of Energy’s Midwest Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnership where he leads technical assistance and stakeholder engagement activities. Mr. Miller focuses on identifying, quantifying, and addressing barriers to clean distributed generation technologies such as combined heat and power (CHP), waste heat to power (WHP), district energy (DE), and energy efficiency (EE) installations. In his decade plus tenure at the ERC, Mr Miller has collaborated with stakeholders such as the Michigan Public Service Commission, the Iowa Utilities Board, the Minnesota Department of Commerce, CommonWealth Edison, Mid-American Energy, American Electric Power, the Illinois EPA, the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, and many more utilities and regulatory bodies. His current research is focused on creating a methodological framework for assessing and categorizing carbon emissions savings from gas fired CHP.
Mr. Miller is a member of the International District Energy Association (IDEA), the CHP Alliance, and he currently serves on the policy committee of the Midwest Cogeneration Association. Mr. Miller holds a Master’s Degree in Urban Planning and Policy from the University of Illinois at Chicago and a Bachelor of Arts from Grinnell College.