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Energy Resources Center has been called upon for both informal and formal comment on many issues surrounding sustainability, emissions reductions, and technical matters in the energy sector. Our team has been featured on countless webinars, conferences and interviews. Realizing the increasing importance of the podcasting medium, ERC is lending its experts for insights into current events as it relates to global energy challenges.
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Below are some of our most called upon engineers, academics and researchers.
Pollinator Habitat & Sustainable Landscapes
Iris Caldwell has been at the forefront of establishing a federally recognized framework for increasing pollinator habitat across the United States. By enlisting players like farmers, conservationists, transportation and state agencies we are finally on the way to divesting from destructive practices in habitat management in favor of native habitat which can help boost pollinator populations that transit our continent. The initiative has garnered international media coverage this year as a result of the historic campaign.
Bioenergy & Emissions Reduction
Dr. Steffen Mueller is regularly consulted by both domestic and foreign governments regarding his extensive study and publishing on the benefits of cleaner burning fuels. This ever-growing body of work is focused on measuring tangible declines in emissions that result from adoption of these fuels while also examining the net benefit to public health that is becoming increasingly of interest to countries around the world.
Water Safety & Biomass Harvesting
Marcello Pibiri regularly speaks at both live and virtual events in order to raise awareness of current ERC programs that are focused on wastewater and anaerobic digestion as a pathway to harnessing renewable energy. He has a keen understanding of not just this sector, but how all facets of industry and energy converge to produce organic waste that can be leveraged as clean energy. Aside from the environmental benefit of recycling this matter, this helps build resilience for critical infrastructure, while assisting with decreasing energy costs for stakeholders like municipalities.
Distributed Energy Generation
Director Cliff Haefke has cemented a reputation as teacher, expert and advocate for the use of Distributed Generation as a pathway to increased sustainability, grid resilience and energy savings. At a time where critical infrastructure faces challenges of a global pandemic, Haefke engages stakeholders of all kinds in order to boost the case for cogeneration of reliable and greener energy.